ISO - definitie. Wat is ISO
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Wat (wie) is ISO - definitie

Iso-; Iso (disambiguation); Iso

  • Subscriber members (countries with small economies)}}
  • Plaque marking the building in [[Prague]] where the ISO predecessor, the ISA, was founded.
¦ abbreviation
1. historical Imperial Service Order.
2. International Organization for Standardization. [from Gk isos 'equal'; the term is technically not an abbrev.]
  • Subscriber members (countries with small economies)}}
  • Plaque marking the building in [[Prague]] where the ISO predecessor, the ISA, was founded.
International Organization for Standardization


ISO (disambiguation)

ISO is the most common abbreviation for the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO or Iso may also refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor ISO
1. What's shutter speed, ISO?
Wildlife Photography _ Andy Biggs _ Talks at Google
2. speed and ISO.
Photography Through the Lens _ Tamara Lackey _ Talks at Google
3. of shutter speed than ISO.
Photographs from the Edge _ Art Wolfe _ Talks at Google
4. you shoot that ISO 800?
Photography _ Thomas Hawk _ Talks at Google
5. between these global ISO standards,
Human Centric Technologies Impact _ Frances West _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor ISO
1. Noise remains well under control through ISO 1,600, and begins to creep up a bit at ISO 3,200 and ISO 6,400.
2. It becomes noticeable across the board at ISO 200, and by ISO 400 starts degrading detail.
3. The Seaport Authority was awarded the ISO '001 and ISO 14,001 by ABS Consulting at a ceremony on Wednesday evening.
4. Pacific time, said ISO spokeswoman Stephanie McCorkle.
5. The EN ISO '001–2000 Certification was presented yesterday in Makkah by Afzal Sheikh, representative of the ISO in Jeddah to India’s Consul General Ausaf Sayeed.